What the heck?!
Fugglers are funny-ugly monsters that will warm your heart and take over your life with their mischievous antics and straight-up bonkers appearance. Each Fuggler is out to cause chaos wherever they go…
You can recognise these creepy creatures with their human-like teeth, vacant eyes, disturbing demeanour and signature BUTT-on hole.

Befriending a Fuggler is an invitation for a life of comical chaos and mischievous mayhem. Don't say we didn't warn you!
Breaking news

Attention all Fuggler fans! Something is stirring in the dark… There’s a hoard of undiscovered Fugglers on the loose and they’re making their way to dark and shadowy corners near you! They’re weird, they’re wacky and they’ve got some new features to show off to their captors…
Who knows how or why it happened, but these undiscovered Fugglers are a bit different… parts of them glow! Each Fuggler has a glow in the dark element somewhere on their creepy bodies, which leave them vulnerable to being wrangled by anyone brave enough to take them on.
We have a feeling these luminous loonies will find their way far and wide around the globe, and our fine Fuggler fans must be warned of their impending invasion! We hope this helps, and when you capture yours make sure you find the glow to know exactly where your little menace is at all times of the day and night.

JUNE 2023The talented Fuggler wranglers have managed to capture some truly rare masked, shelled Fugglers. Introducing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Fugglers Collector’s Edition! That’s right, these Fugglers have got the turtle twist and are dressed up as Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello.
These four mischievous miscreants have been hiding from our wranglers in the New York City sewers, as usual, being unpredictable and up to no good. However, they were finally caught when they hijacked an innocent’s pizza delivery, but not before scoffing it themselves! There’s Leonardo, the fearless leader. Raphael, the wildest turtle, most eager for battle. Donatello, the brainiac with an affinity for dangerous machinery and Michelangelo who will steal all your pizza before hiding in a dark corner to devour the deep dish!
So, do you have what it takes to control one of these roguish reptiles? Be warned, they’ll practice ninjutsu on you then leave you with a fart cloud as they try to surf away through the sewers leaving you with nothing but a “Cowabunga, dude!”. You’ve been warned – adopt with caution!

APRIL 2023Fugglers are being sent across the world and, honestly, this should be classed as an extreme sport.
We have captured each Fuggler using only the most humane(ish) and industry-leading Fuggler-wrangling techniques. They have bitten us and fought outrageously while being forcibly stuffed into a Fuggler-proof cardboard travelling box. We then shipped them off to their new places of residence in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, The Netherlands and Canada. They have tried to escape their box so don’t be surprised if it turns up mangled as heck. We do advise that only the best trained Fuggler wranglers can complete this dangerous task which is why we persevere so that we can get them to you (and away from us).
Be sure to open with caution and try not to regret your decision immediately. We recommend locking these funny ugly monsters up as soon as they get to your home.

APRIL 2023Fugglers are funny-ugly monsters that will ruin your life and warm your heart with their mischievous antics and straight-up bonkers appearance.
Created in 2010, a British lady named Mrs. McGettrick created the concept of Fugglers after encountering individual denture teeth on eBay and envisioning them as looking funny on teddy bears. She started to sew her own bears with these human-like teeth and so Fugglers emerged.
These horribly assembled animals disturbed her husband, which fuelled her amusement, so she started to sell them online. Over the years, her toys slowly grew in popularity.
In 2018, Spin Master bought the rights to the brand and became the official manufacturer of Fugglers. They developed the brand further to create newer, on-trend Funny Ugly Monsters and created a wide collection of Fuggler toys as well as other collectible items.
In 2020, Fugglers were worried about the state of the world so collectively decided to go into hiding for a bit as they saw things that shocked even them.
In 2021, going back to its British roots, toy manufacturer Addo Play entered into an agreement with Spin Master as the official licensee of the Fuggler brand. Addo Play has since manufactured and marketed Fugglers with the endorsement of Spin Master and with the help of their foolish Fuggler-wrangling team, Fugglers are now back to destroy lives once again.

The Bigger They Are…
The bigger the fart! Three monsters of epic proportions have been reported to be devouring everything in kitchens to try and satisfy their BIG FUGG appetites.
It is rumoured that a good cuddle with settle their rampage (but no one here is brave enough to do so).
If you see their chaotically cute Big Fuggs lumbering your way, prepare to empty your pantry or server some hugs to stop them.

They’ve wreaked havoc in Europe and Down Under, but now they are heading stateside!
Yes, it’s true! The turtle-twisted Fugglers are NOW causing chaos in the USA .
For those who are foolish enough to love these monsters, the TMNT x Fugglers have now arrived at Walmart.com!
While the turtles would usually be out to protect and fight crime, these monsters are nothing short of a nightmare. They are lean, green and mean. They may look innocent but do not underestimate these ill-tempered, mischievous reptiles.
They’ll hijack your pizza delivery and stuff it down themselves. They’ll practice ninjitsu on you then leave you with a fart cloud as they surf away through the sewers. Cowabunga, dude!
Are you sure you want them still? Okay fine! Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
If you want to be the first to get your hands on these sewer-surfing monsters, you better be quick as there are limited quantities. For now…

Have the Fugglers actually managed to get worse?!
It seems these Farting Fugglers are a force to be reckoned with. Flatulence is no joke, but these smelly miscreants seem to think they’re funny! Be warned, this is a Public Service Announcement: These wind-breaking bottom burpers have got more mischievous and cunning. They delight in causing chaos and confusion wherever they go. Their flatulence is so powerful that it could knock over small objects and even cause damage to buildings.
They leave a trail of destruction and a cloud of putrid, puke inducing poots in their wake. Don’t get too close, any provocation or movement in close proximity will force farting that can be heard from miles away! We strongly advise you hide away and never let these rump-rippers into your home!

Attention all Fuggler fans! Something is stirring in the dark… There’s a hoard of undiscovered Fugglers on the loose and they’re making their way to dark and shadowy corners near you! They’re weird, they’re wacky and they’ve got some new features to show off to their captors…
Who knows how or why it happened, but these undiscovered Fugglers are a bit different… parts of them glow! Each Fuggler has a glow in the dark element somewhere on their creepy bodies, which leave them vulnerable to being wrangled by anyone brave enough to take them on.
We have a feeling these luminous loonies will find their way far and wide around the globe, and our fine Fuggler fans must be warned of their impending invasion! We hope this helps, and when you capture yours make sure you find the glow to know exactly where your little menace is at all times of the day and night.

JUNE 2023The talented Fuggler wranglers have managed to capture some truly rare masked, shelled Fugglers. Introducing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Fugglers Collector’s Edition! That’s right, these Fugglers have got the turtle twist and are dressed up as Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello.
These four mischievous miscreants have been hiding from our wranglers in the New York City sewers, as usual, being unpredictable and up to no good. However, they were finally caught when they hijacked an innocent’s pizza delivery, but not before scoffing it themselves! There’s Leonardo, the fearless leader. Raphael, the wildest turtle, most eager for battle. Donatello, the brainiac with an affinity for dangerous machinery and Michelangelo who will steal all your pizza before hiding in a dark corner to devour the deep dish!
So, do you have what it takes to control one of these roguish reptiles? Be warned, they’ll practice ninjutsu on you then leave you with a fart cloud as they try to surf away through the sewers leaving you with nothing but a “Cowabunga, dude!”. You’ve been warned – adopt with caution!

APRIL 2023Fugglers are being sent across the world and, honestly, this should be classed as an extreme sport.
We have captured each Fuggler using only the most humane(ish) and industry-leading Fuggler-wrangling techniques. They have bitten us and fought outrageously while being forcibly stuffed into a Fuggler-proof cardboard travelling box. We then shipped them off to their new places of residence in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, The Netherlands and Canada. They have tried to escape their box so don’t be surprised if it turns up mangled as heck. We do advise that only the best trained Fuggler wranglers can complete this dangerous task which is why we persevere so that we can get them to you (and away from us).
Be sure to open with caution and try not to regret your decision immediately. We recommend locking these funny ugly monsters up as soon as they get to your home.

APRIL 2023Fugglers are funny-ugly monsters that will ruin your life and warm your heart with their mischievous antics and straight-up bonkers appearance.
Created in 2010, a British lady named Mrs. McGettrick created the concept of Fugglers after encountering individual denture teeth on eBay and envisioning them as looking funny on teddy bears. She started to sew her own bears with these human-like teeth and so Fugglers emerged.
These horribly assembled animals disturbed her husband, which fuelled her amusement, so she started to sell them online. Over the years, her toys slowly grew in popularity.
In 2018, Spin Master bought the rights to the brand and became the official manufacturer of Fugglers. They developed the brand further to create newer, on-trend Funny Ugly Monsters and created a wide collection of Fuggler toys as well as other collectible items.
In 2020, Fugglers were worried about the state of the world so collectively decided to go into hiding for a bit as they saw things that shocked even them.
In 2021, going back to its British roots, toy manufacturer Addo Play entered into an agreement with Spin Master as the official licensee of the Fuggler brand. Addo Play has since manufactured and marketed Fugglers with the endorsement of Spin Master and with the help of their foolish Fuggler-wrangling team, Fugglers are now back to destroy lives once again.

The Bigger They Are…
The bigger the fart! Three monsters of epic proportions have been reported to be devouring everything in kitchens to try and satisfy their BIG FUGG appetites.
It is rumoured that a good cuddle with settle their rampage (but no one here is brave enough to do so).
If you see their chaotically cute Big Fuggs lumbering your way, prepare to empty your pantry or server some hugs to stop them.

They’ve wreaked havoc in Europe and Down Under, but now they are heading stateside!
Yes, it’s true! The turtle-twisted Fugglers are NOW causing chaos in the USA .
For those who are foolish enough to love these monsters, the TMNT x Fugglers have now arrived at Walmart.com!
While the turtles would usually be out to protect and fight crime, these monsters are nothing short of a nightmare. They are lean, green and mean. They may look innocent but do not underestimate these ill-tempered, mischievous reptiles.
They’ll hijack your pizza delivery and stuff it down themselves. They’ll practice ninjitsu on you then leave you with a fart cloud as they surf away through the sewers. Cowabunga, dude!
Are you sure you want them still? Okay fine! Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
If you want to be the first to get your hands on these sewer-surfing monsters, you better be quick as there are limited quantities. For now…

Have the Fugglers actually managed to get worse?!
It seems these Farting Fugglers are a force to be reckoned with. Flatulence is no joke, but these smelly miscreants seem to think they’re funny! Be warned, this is a Public Service Announcement: These wind-breaking bottom burpers have got more mischievous and cunning. They delight in causing chaos and confusion wherever they go. Their flatulence is so powerful that it could knock over small objects and even cause damage to buildings.
They leave a trail of destruction and a cloud of putrid, puke inducing poots in their wake. Don’t get too close, any provocation or movement in close proximity will force farting that can be heard from miles away! We strongly advise you hide away and never let these rump-rippers into your home!

Attention all Fuggler fans! Something is stirring in the dark… There’s a hoard of undiscovered Fugglers on the loose and they’re making their way to dark and shadowy corners near you! They’re weird, they’re wacky and they’ve got some new features to show off to their captors…
Who knows how or why it happened, but these undiscovered Fugglers are a bit different… parts of them glow! Each Fuggler has a glow in the dark element somewhere on their creepy bodies, which leave them vulnerable to being wrangled by anyone brave enough to take them on.
We have a feeling these luminous loonies will find their way far and wide around the globe, and our fine Fuggler fans must be warned of their impending invasion! We hope this helps, and when you capture yours make sure you find the glow to know exactly where your little menace is at all times of the day and night.
We know it. You know it. You want a Fuggler. Don’t deny it. Just give in and find your new mischievous mate at the retailers below.