Annoyed Alien

Annoyed Alien

Don’t let the heart-print pants give you any ideas, this manipulative menace is anything but romantic. This horrid hooligan can often be found hounding and heckling happy couples until their date nights are completely ruined. It’s only jealous!
Annoyed Alien

Annoyed Alien

Taking a trip to the zoo? Stay vigilant on your fun packed day as everything could be ruined by this creepy, crafty creature. This gaudy monster is often found hiding among his fellow animals in their enclosures waiting to escape!
Gaptooth McGoo

Gaptooth McGoo

These fried egg undergarments are a clue to what this deviant’s favourite past time is…Look out for smelly stuff flying at your head. This incendiary instigator loves to chuck stinky, mouldy eggs at anyone it sees. Don’t egg it on!
Rabid Rabbit

Rabid Rabbit

What’s the opposite of ‘life and soul of the party’? This mischief-making rampant bunny. Its loud, garish appearance is for sneaking into celebrations and parties only to ruin them. Popping balloons and smashing cakes, you don’t want this...
Rabid Rabbit

Rabid Rabbit

Hide your slice! This manic little rabble-rouser’s favourite food is clear by its choice of underwear. Always frantically on the hunt for cheese and pepperoni, there’ll be no time to run! So watch out for this brazen bunny any time you order in some...