Gaptooth McGoo

Gaptooth McGoo

This toothy monster may look cuddly, but don’t let its cuteness fool you – that’s exactly what it wants! This devious creature can be found using its sweet gappy teeth and wide dark eyes to lure unsuspecting victims into various shenanigans....
Rabid Rabbit

Rabid Rabbit

This monster is always on the look out for things to gnaw on with its two sticky-out teeth. The brazen bunny is usually  found lurking under tables and chairs, ready to chew through the legs and send you and your dinner tumbling down to the floor!
Annoyed Alien

Annoyed Alien

This triple eyed alien can see everything, and it’s not happy about it. So it uses its powers for mischief. This grumpy monster can be found searching for innocent prey with its creepy third eyes, so make sure you find a good hiding place! 
Indecisive Monster

Indecisive Monster

This monster is always spaced out. It’s never been the same since it was pushed through that wormhole. Now, this crazy-eyed creature can be found wondering the cosmos in search for victims to push into the same maddening fate.
Suspicious Fox

Suspicious Fox

Innocent…I think not! This monster has a troublesome passion… stealing. The burglarising blighter is often found inside handbags and backpacks, looting, plundering and robbing everything they can get their hands on. Make sure to check you aren’t missing...