Indecisive Monster

Indecisive Monster

As dark as the night and as creepy as a clown, the only way you will see this monster in the night is its glaring eyes, staring at you, ready to pounce. If that isn’t scary enough, its shrill cackle will send shivers down you.
Grin Grin

Grin Grin

“Grin and bare it” goes without saying when you are around this monster. It will dance around you shouting and squealing but if you dare don’t smile while it torments you, you’ll be left in a fart tornado as thick as mud.


It is time to hide because otherwise you are going to feel the wrath of this mischievous monster who has a flair for prodding people with sticks and yelling at them like a goat.
Sir Splodge A Lot

Sir Splodge A Lot

Did you say chicken nuggets? This monster is a fiend for food and is sure to sniff out any edible substance. In fact, edible doesn’t even have to be a factor. It will eat the toilet roll straight out of your hand if you let it.
Cod Father

Cod Father

Its slippery movements and flappy fins would make anyone feel unsettled especially when you encounter this floundering fiend darting in and out of the shadows ready to soak you in sticky phlegm.