Munch Munch

Munch Munch

Out to cause destruction in your house, this monster will raid your fridge and leave you with nothing but the sloppy remanence of a once delicious meal. No matter what is on offer, it will slobber over all your food!
Grin Grin

Grin Grin

This tormenting monster is sure to drive you to insanity with its petrifying laughter and cow-like cackles that will curdle your very core.
Indecisive Monster

Indecisive Monster

Be wary, this monster will run circles around you causing chaos and confusion, then leave you feeling discombobulated with a sense of emptiness and hopelessness. Be careful it doesn’t leave a fart tornado too!
Oogah Boogah

Oogah Boogah

Lurking in the shadows, blending into the background, this sloppy, sloth-like monster will be there ready to spew sludgy saliva all over its victims.
Gaptooth McGoo

Gaptooth McGoo

You’ll take this monster home as it lulls you into a calm sense of security. Before you know it, the monster will be breaking picture frames, ripping down the wallpaper and then re-painting the walls with whatever it can find…jelly, mud or even pghlem.